Grey divorce: Why are more baby boomers ending their marriages when they get older?

Whether you call them “silver splitters” or “diamond divorcees,” more and more baby boomers are getting divorced when you’d expect them to settle into retirement together. Researchers have documented sharp increases in “grey divorce” rates among boomers in the U.S., Australia, India and the U.K.....

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4 Main Challenges Of A Grey Divorce

Grey divorce is a new demographic trend, and it is rather concerning that this trend has accelerated in the 21st century.  In the 1990s, only 1 in 10 people over age 50 were divorced. Currently, 1 in 4 people are going...

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10 Essentials of Co-Parenting After a Divorce

If you have been through or are currently facing a divorce, by this point you know the difficulty that comes with the process. However, the unpleasant aspects don’t just disappear once a divorce is finalized. For those with children,...

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Will I Lose My Alimony If I Go Back to Work?

With the dramatic cost of childcare in the U.S. (estimated to be $11,666 per year) and our country’s less-than-stellar family-friendly labor laws, it’s understandable that 26% of women aren’t in the workforce. However, that decision could hurt women dramatically when...

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